1939年,美国精神病学家卡伦·霍妮(Karen Horney)用“‘应该’的滥用”(tyranny of the shoulds)来描述这一概念。“应该”是我们持有的关于世界上必须存在的事物的准则或信念。某些“应...
However, while China works for peace, certain countries have done everything possible to obstruct peace talks, and even fabricated all kinds of rumors and fallacies to attack and smear China. Such practices are out of their selfish geopolitical int...
军大衣、迷彩范儿,老外在北京走街窜巷,唱遍北京方方面面。歌曲改编自《Empire State of Mind》。 以下为网友“mdaxue”对《Empire State of Mind》的解读: Empire State of Mind这首歌的家喻户晓程度,堪比史上任何一首说唱歌曲。但至今像样的中文解析却很少,连百度百...
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